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Maintaining Connections through COVID-19 - A message from our friends at the Red Cross

Posted on April 08 2020

Photo of an operator of the Red Cross telecross service

During this time we want to tell the stories of great South Australians who are working hard to make a difference in their communities. The following is a guest post from our friends at the Red Cross

Register for free daily phone calls in South Australia through Telecross Redi service at the Red Cross

As Australians adjust to the impacts of COVID-19, Red Cross is supporting people to maintain their wellbeing and manage isolation. As people practise self-isolation and social distancing, we are helping them to maintain social connection in safe ways, and support those in our community who are most vulnerable.

We are helping people to maintain their mental wellbeing and avoid loneliness during periods of mandatory quarantine and self-isolation. These actions can also support people who have voluntarily self-isolated or have become suddenly unemployed as a result of business closure and stand downs.

Across Australia, we are supporting people in self-isolation with welfare calls. These calls help people maintain their wellbeing through regular conversation, information and identifying and reporting concerns

In South Australia, we’re ramping up our Telecross REDi service in response to COVID-19. Those South Australians who are most vulnerable, while self-isolating, such as elderly people and those living with health conditions or disabilities, can register for a daily call.

South Australians can opt to receive a free, daily phone call to check on their welfare in response to COVID-19. This service has been activated by the Government of South Australia.

Specially trained Red Cross staff and volunteers will make the calls, supporting the wellbeing of clients, including asking how they are coping and if they need support to access medical or food supplies, as well as reiterating up-to-date government health advice. If the call goes unanswered or if someone is in distress, further steps will be taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the client.

You can register yourself or a loved one by phoning 1800 188 071 or register online at

If you feel you don’t need support at this time, but, want to give back by becoming a COVID19 telephone support operator, Red Cross is currently open to applicants with sound conversation skills, a home computer and internet connection. Please register your interest to volunteer here


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