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One nomination is all it takes

Posted on June 03 2019


Megan McLoughlin, 2019 SA Local Hero, Australian of the Year Awards and her nominator, Sandy

Today's guest blog post is from 2019 South Australia Local Hero - Megan McLoughlin - read more about Megan here 


At the start of May, Megan McLoughlin the Director of the Herd of Hope charity, met for the VERY first time the lady who nominated her for the Australian of the Year awards.

Megan and Sandy had never met. It was after Sandy attended the Bondi cattle drive after receiving a tissue transplant herself that she made the decision to nominate Megan.

Sandy said “the healing I received at Bondi on the morning of the event was where I finally felt it was ok, seeing Megan become so emotional I realised we all feel grief and it’s ok.”

Sandy contacted Megan through social media after the SA awards in November 2018 when Megan was given the honours of the SA “Local Hero” through Sandy’s nomination.

Megan then headed to Canberra with 32 fellow Australians awarded from each state at the National awards celebrated on Australia Day.

And.......when these ladies spent the day with each other in May with their families - lunch turned into dinner and a lifelong friendship was formed. 💝

Nominations opened 1st June!! 

It only takes one person to nominate another for Australian of the Year! If you know someone who goes above and beyond for the better good of our country - NOMINATE THEM!

Megan has contributed the recent focus on regional healthcare for organ donation in the “spotlight” Sandy’s nomination has given the Herd of Hope.

Be one of our greatest Australians by giving our nation's best the recognition they deserve. To nominate for the Australian of the Year Awards please visit



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