Cate Fowler AM

Theater producer and director
Cate is a theatre producer and director specialising in professional performance work for children and family audiences. She founded Windmill Performing Arts which provides high-quality performance experiences to inspire and enrich the learning and imagination of children. Under her direction Windmill quickly became the number one company in Australia for children’s and family theatre.
Cate formed a partnership with UniSA’s de Lissa Institute to research the effects of the arts on young children. The results led to her pioneering installation theatre targeted at children aged 12- months to four years old.
Cate has also been youth and family program manager for the Adelaide Festival Centre, artistic advisor for the 1995 Come Out Youth Arts Festival, and artistic director of the Queensland Performing Arts Complex’s 1996 and 1998 Out of the Box Festival of Early Childhood. Cate’s involvement with the theatre has helped provide an inspiring environment for children of all ages to express themselves.